Dues noies del cicle de farmàcia van anar a Noruega; a continuació podem llegir l’abstracte que Maria del Carmen Carrillo Pastor, una d’elles, va escriure:
Norway is a wonderful country where very kind people live. We are pleased to have shared the national day with them. I have been living in Hamar, an amazing town with a lot of history and beautiful houses. I’ve had the opportunity to visit other places like Oslo and Lillehammer. Also, I’ve seen ZZ top in concert, that is a very famous rock’s group. I’ve gone a ride by bike around the lake and the town and played to cards and parchis with a French girl. Moreover, I have met many people both in the pension and in the internship, and the country where you come from doesn’t matter for them, and this helped to practice english. In summary, I fall in love with this trip and I became more fluent in english and learnt new words. I’ve met many people that I won’t ever forget. I am very grateful for this opportunity, and I hope to be able to return in the future.
I a Noruega van coincidir amb un dels nostres alumnes d’un cicle de Manteniment de vehicles!!! Això calia immortalitzar-ho amb una fotografia…